大家知道 2014 年最受歡迎的影片是哪一隻嗎?是哪個明星的 MV 嗎?還是瘋狂流傳的 iphone6 呢?
YouTube 公開了全球的「Top Trending Video」,這些榮登前10名影片大多是以搞笑影片為主,而且光這些影片的頻道訂購人數就高達 2100萬左右喔!是不是很驚人呢?
10. 10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman by Street HarassmentVideo
9. Goku vs Superman. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 3. by ERB
8. Devil Baby Attack by DevilsDueNYC
7. Budweiser Super Bowl XLVIII Commercial -- "Puppy Love" by Budweiser
6. Bars & Melody - Simon Cowell's Golden Buzzer act | Britain's Got Talent 2014 by Britain's Got Talent
5. iPhone 6 Plus Bend Test by Unbox Therapy
4. The Voice IT | Serie 2 | Blind 2 | Suor Cristina Scuccia - #TEAMJ-AX by TheVoiceOf Italy
3. FIRST KISS by Tatia Pilieva
2. Nike Football: Winner Stays. ft. Ronaldo, Neymar Jr., Rooney, Ibrahimovi?, Iniesta & more by Nike Football
1. Mutant Giant Spider Dog (SA Wardega) by SA Wardega