根據「CBS NEWS」報導,這家位在美國北卡羅萊納州的水族館受疫情影響,從3月17日開始便停止對外開放,但部分館內的工作人員仍必須持續工作,照顧水族館內的所有動物,確保水族館在危急情況緩解後可以重新開放給遊客。長期沒有收入的水族館為維持營運,決定挖出館內許願瀑布累積14年的硬幣。
水族館內的煙山瀑布「Smoky Mountain」長年被遊客當作許願池,往裡面丟硬幣。工作人員近期關閉瀑布,從中撈出100加侖(379公升)的硬幣,工作人員花費4小時將硬幣裝滿9大箱,令不少網友看傻眼,紛紛留言「不知道裡面有多少錢,但這是一個很棒的點子」、「我們貢獻了很多硬幣,我的曾孫很喜歡往裡面丟」、「這就是為何硬幣會短缺的原因」、「應該把硬幣拿去給政府鑑定」、「等不及知道裡面有多少錢」。
Coin update! We've had such an amazing response to our coin post! Thank you to everyone who commented and submitted a guess! It's taking longer than anticipated to sort, clean and count coins. Staff is still sifting through the almost 14 years worth of coins from the waterfall. We've sent a portion of them to the automated coin counter at a local bank. It took about four hours to get through nine crates of coins! So stay tuned! We'll post the total amount next week.