
《波士頓環球報 (Boston Globe)》週一 (13 日) 報導,根據美國網購巨擘亞馬遜 (Amazon)計畫在本月底舉行的徵才活動邀請函,他們正準備推出一款「革命性的」數位媒體播放新產品,「甚至比 Kindle (平板電腦) 還要重大」。

根據該報刊登亞馬遜發出的通知,Kindle 新計畫團隊將在本月 30 日傍晚,於波士頓舉行持邀請函才能參加的徵才活動。當中說明亞馬遜正在研發一款新的革命性「第一版 (V1) 產品」,能以新方式將數位媒體內容傳送給客戶,並「顛覆現有市場」。

邀請函上並說明,亞馬遜有幾個地區的團隊參與這項計畫,包括加州Sunnyvale的 126 實驗室 (Lab126)、西雅圖、以及波士頓的團隊等。而他們相信,這個新產品會比已經廣受歡迎的 Kindle 還熱門。不禁令人引頸期待。


Event Details

Amazon’s Kindle New Initiatives (KNI) Team is hosting an evening of free food and drinks, where you can meet Amazon's creative leaders and engineers who are responsible for the next generation of consumer products in Boston on Thursday, January 30th from 5:00pm to 7:30pm.


This is an invitation only event, and we’d like for you to attend.


Kindle is a revolutionary reading device, the #1 best-selling product on Amazon, and one of the most innovative and fast growing businesses at Amazon. Amazon has also developed significant digital and mobile businesses including Amazon MP3, Amazon Instant Video, IMDb, Amazon Mobile store, and Audible.

Kindle's Digital Products team is looking for passionate, hard-working, and talented software engineers who have experience building fun, quirky, engaging experiences that appeal to a broad range of customers. You will have an enormous opportunity to make a large impact on the design, architecture, and implementation of cutting edge experiences enjoyed every day, by people you know. We have teams in various locations partnering on this project, from Sunnyvale (Lab126), Seattle, to right here in Boston.


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