
Swanson's Unwritten Rules of Management史瓦森談管理》是美國各大企業老闆之間廣泛討論的書。包括前奇異總裁傑克‧威爾許(Jack Welch)、投資大師巴菲特(Warren Buffett)、《從A到A+》的作者吉姆‧柯林斯(Jim Collins)都是它的讀者。但是,你在各大書店或是亞馬遜網路書店都找不到這本小冊子。

史瓦森到底是何方神聖?他是美國高科技大廠、全球前3大軍火製造商雷神(Raytheon;產品包括愛國者飛彈防禦系統)的執行長。自從2003年接任執行長的職務之後,比爾‧史瓦森(Bill Swanson)便開始進行大規模的組織改造計劃,如今雷神的營業額高達250億美元,營收與獲利已連續成長。全球員工多達 72,000 人的美國軍用設備大廠 。



1. 你不可能擦亮一雙球鞋。



2. 學習說:「我不知道。」



3. 找出別人沒有發現的事實。



4. 讓人們感覺有必要去做某件事情。



5. 不要直接向上抱怨。


6. 如果沒有人批評你,就代表你做得不夠多。



7. 任何訊息一旦公開,就得假定下一秒鐘全世界都會知道。



8. 對你好、對服務生無禮的人不是好人。



9. 找到問題與解決方法之間最短的直線距離。





10. 站在更高層思考問題。




Cheers 雜誌



l      學會說「我不知道」如果正確使用,你應該會經常說這句話

l      「出來」比「進去」難很多看看伊拉克「反恐」戰爭就知道

l      如果沒有人批評你,那表示你沒做出什麼事

l      試著找出這個世界「缺少了什麼」,大多數的人只看到如何改進既有的東西

l      找一個你可以把事實跟他說的夥伴你不能選擇親人,但是可以選擇共同創辦人

l      常常檢視你在做的事情,然後確定帶來的價值是你想要的,千萬不要陷入「慣性作用」中?

l      無論是個多小的任務,你都要全力以赴

l      堅持到底常常是勝敗的關鍵,最差的就是開了很多專案,然後通通草草執行

l      要把一件事情做好,不要等其他人的進度,去追著他們,確定他們會如期完成他們的部分

l      你必須要重複的表達自己的想法,一直到成功說服其他人加入你,或是被說服為止

l      溝通必須要「言簡意賅」相信我,這是最重要的技能,需要不斷的練習

l      養成抓住最核心重點的習慣,任何事情都應該要能用 30 秒快速解釋

l      努力確定團隊裡的所有人都知道發生了什麼事情或是應該如何預期,千萬避免突如其來的噩耗

l      千萬別隨意跟其他人的上司抱怨,一封 CC 他老闆的 email 是非常非常嚴重的事情

l      當與外界溝通的時候,記住,你代表著你公司的形象!!!

l      當碰到緊急情況時,冷靜才是最重要的技能

l      養成習慣作快速且乾脆的決策你只需要 70% 的準確率

l      你只會留下1/3你讀過的,1/2你聽過的,但是你會記得100%的感受用感性、認同的方式引導團隊更有效果

l      一個對你很好,但是對服務生很兇的人,不是一個好人

l      千萬別忘了幽默

l      請一定要玩得很開心,你的夥伴、客戶,都會被你影響

Bill Swanson’s 33 unwritten rules

1: Learn to say, “I don’t know.” If used when appropriate, it will be used often.

2: It is easier to get into something than to get out of it.

3: If you are not criticized, you may not be doing much.

4: Look for what is missing. Many know how to improve what’s there; few can see what isn’t there.

5: Presentation rule: When something appears on a slide presentation, assume the world knows about it and deal with it accordingly.

6. Work for a boss to whom you can tell it like it is. Remember, you can’t pick your family, but you can pick your boss.

7: Constantly review developments to make sure that the actual benefits are what they were supposed to be. Avoid Newton’s Law.

8: However menial and trivial your early assignments may appear, give them your best effort.

9: Persistence or tenacity is the disposition to persevere in spite of difficulties, discouragement or indifference. Don’t be known as a good starter but a poor finisher!

10: In doing your project, don’t wait for others; go after them and make sure it gets done.

11: Confirm the instructions you give others, and their commitments, in writing. Don’t assume it will get done.

12: Don’t be timid: Speak up, express yourself and promote your ideas.

13: Practice shows that those who speak the most knowingly and confidently often end up with the assignment to get the job done.

14: Strive for brevity and clarity in oral and written reports.

15: Be extremely careful in the accuracy of your statements.

16: Don’t overlook the fact that you are working for a boss. Keep him or her informed. Whatever the boss wants, within the bounds of integrity, takes top priority.

17: Promises, schedules and estimates are important instruments in a well-run business. You must make promises — don’t lean on the often-used phrase: “I can’t estimate it because it depends on many uncertain factors.”

18: Never direct a complaint to the top; a serious offense is to “cc” a person’s boss on a copy of a complaint before the person has a chance to respond to the complaint.

19: When interacting with people outside the company, remember that you are always representing the company. Be especially careful of your commitments.

20: Cultivate the habit of boiling matters down to the simplest terms: the proverbial “elevator speech” is the best way.

21: Don’t get excited in engineering emergencies: Keep your feet on the ground.

22: Cultivate the habit of making quick, clean-cut decisions.

23: When making decisions, the “pros” are much easier to deal with than the “cons.” Your boss wants to see both.

24: Don’t ever lose your sense of humor.

25: Have fun at what you do. It will be reflected in you work. No one likes a grump except another grump!

26: Treat the name of you company as if it were your own.

27: Beg for the bad news.

28: You remember 1/3 of what you read, 1/2 of what people tell you, but 100% of what you feel.

29: You can’t polish a sneaker.

30: When facing issues or problems that are becoming drawn-out, “short them to the ground.”

31: When faced with decisions, try to look at them as if you were one level up in the organization. Your perspective will change quickly.

32: A person who is nice to you but rude to the waiter, or to others, is not a nice person. (This rule never fails).

33: Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, an amateur built an ark that survived a flood while a large group of professionals built the Titanic!

Postscript: The qualities of leadership boil down to confidence, dedication, integrity and love.

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